Eternal Lords is an expansion in a vein not seen for far too long - one that is priced criminally low for the amount of content that it adds. You won't be dissapointed buying this DLC that's for sure! … ExpandĮternal Lords is an expansion in a vein not seen for far too long - one that is priced criminally low for the amount of content that it adds. gonna update this post more as I meet with more new content whilst playing. This time even on that my desktop is able to support nicely. prev i couldn't play on "high" settings without some sort of lagginess (blame the SSAO). just epic! performance wise the game has improved much more as well. and cosmic happenings! just got one where it says "Blood Moon - +3 melee attack for all units for 4 turns" (with the entire landscape sort of drenched in red aura here and there. an ice glove - capable of throwing ice balls! awesome isn't it?. other artifacts are a "seduce veil" - legendary artifact that can convert enemies. remember that when you're playing campaign as artifacts can be brought over to the next mission. add that with lifesteal is damn OP!! yes artifacts farming is important in this game. just got a mythical jewel that made me 40% physical immune for my main undead hero. Gonna be epic with all those new tigran units capable of leaping and even transforming! There's also new artifacts. New spells and empire upgrades too! Such as corrupting mana nodes to become Undead nodes.

and new ones such as Banshees! (omg I so so love this new unit). Units such as beloved Frost Queens, Yetis, Ice Scalpers. Very new type of playstyle and mechanics that adds so much more flavour to the game. just finished playing as Frostling Undead for campaign 1. Very new type of playstyle and best AoW3 DLC ever with tons of new content. Best AoW3 DLC ever with tons of new content.