
Half life 2 episode 1 speedrun
Half life 2 episode 1 speedrun

half life 2 episode 1 speedrun

Though judging by your comments, you weren't being as stupid as me and knew that already Last edited by Luz 30 Jul, pm. Then I realized that all I had to do was press the action button E like the hatch is a regular door. I tried tossing bombs towards that hatch or getting back out onto the roof, but nothing seemed to work. After all this sholdn't have happened in the first place. I guess that would be the last resort I hope you find something that helps or they fix it somehow. Did the trick in my case and I don't have to play from the beginning again - in the non-Source-Version. In my case I luckily found an older savegame and once I got to the hatch again, it denied me the entrance at first but I was able to enter on the second try. Thanks for the link - it's nice that they show a few approaches how the problem can be solved. Is that common? I didn't find anything during my research Showing 1 - 7 of 7 comments. No matter what I try - avoiding or not avoiding the bomb, both shooting or sparing the Marine, or a sprint for the door right away - the door stays locked and I can't exit. A Marine will open the hatch at the far end and throw a bomb into the tube, the blast of which you can avoid by dropping back out into the water. In the level Surface Tension you have to drop down into some water from a rooftop to then crawl through a pipeline. Half Life 2 new engine loading between maps problem by djxxd djxxd.Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts.

half life 2 episode 1 speedrun

How do I go back to the old engine by Dazawassa Dazawassa. Preload script? Kennert Kennert Cyclomos Cyclomos. Glitchless Categories! Current Route? Can't new game chapter 2 by Sensibleman Sensibleman. New engine yesclip can't switch weapons by deadfrog42 deadfrog SuperM SuperM Skips with airboat in water hazard by MRcrepnoir MRcrepnoir. Half-Life 2 Can you run on my computer? BlackMelor BlackMelor. Where is? Will you add a "Go to Nova Prospekt" Category? YouSon YouSon. What category is this? What does the ss stand for in the il categories? How to download old engine by imaksl2 imaksl2. New cathegory by Metzgermeister Metzgermeister. Games Streams Forums More Home Games Streams Forums.

Half life 2 episode 1 speedrun